An informative guide to English idioms beginning with 'G', each explained with a clear example, perfect for enhancing language skills.



Grasping the Essence of Idioms Starting with 'G


Welcome to our English lesson on idioms beginning with the letter 'G'. Idioms are a fun and essential aspect of English language learning, often providing unique insights into the culture and way of speaking. In this lesson, we'll explore various 'G' idioms, understand their meanings, and see how they can be used in everyday conversation. 


Introduction to 'G' Idioms and Their Practical Uses


  1. Get off the Hook

    • "After the new evidence was presented, he was able to get off the hook."
  2. Give Up the Ghost

    • "The old car finally gave up the ghost on the highway."
  3. Got the Slap on the Wrist

    • "For his minor mistake, he just got a slap on the wrist."
  4. Give Someone a Bird

    • "The audience gave the performer a bird after a terrible performance."
  5. Got the Wind Up

    • "She really got the wind up when she heard those strange noises at night."
  6. Get a Raw Deal

    • "I felt like I got a raw deal when I was passed over for the promotion."
  7. Gift of the Gab

    • "He won the debate easily, thanks to his gift of the gab."
  8. Gives Cold Shoulder

    • "He's been giving me the cold shoulder ever since our argument."
  9. Get Your Wires Crossed

    • "We got our wires crossed; I thought we were meeting tomorrow, not today."
  10. Give Me Five

    • "That was an awesome performance—give me five!"
  11. Give Me a Hand

    • "Can you give me a hand with this heavy box?"
  12. Give Someone a Piece of Your Mind

    • "She gave her neighbour a piece of her mind about the loud music."
  13. Go Bananas

    • "The kids went bananas when they saw the clown."
  14. Go Tell It to the Birds

    • "I don't believe a word he says; he can go tell it to the birds."
  15. Go Under the Hammer

    • "The rare painting is going under the hammer at the auction next week."
  16. Graveyard Shift

    • "Working the graveyard shift can be tough on your sleep schedule."
  17. Grease Monkey

    • "He's always fixing cars; he's a real grease monkey."

For additional information or any questions about 'G' idioms, please visit our Facebook page:


Conclusion: Enriching Your Vocabulary with 'G' Idioms


You've now expanded your English idiom knowledge with various phrases that begin with 'G'. These expressions can add vibrancy to your conversations and improve your understanding of English language nuances. For any inquiries or more lessons, please visit our Facebook page:

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