comprehensive guide to English idioms starting with 'L', each with a clear explanation and usage example for effective learning.



Lively 'L' Idioms: Enhancing Your English Expression


A Comprehensive guide to English idioms starting with 'L', each with a clear explanation and usage example for effective learning.

Introduction to 'L' Idioms and Their Usage


  1. Loaves and Fishes

    • "His interest in the charity work seems to be more about loaves and fishes than genuine concern."
  2. Like a Shag on a Rock

    • "After all his friends left the party, he was like a shag on a rock."
  3. Let Someone Slide

    • "The teacher decided to let someone slide this time despite the homework being late."
  4. Let the Cat Out of the Bag

    • "I accidentally let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party."
  5. Let Nature Take Its Course

    • "After the diagnosis, they decided to let nature take its course."
  6. Like a Sitting Duck

    • "Unprotected and unaware, the campers were like sitting ducks for the pranksters."
  7. Lion's Share

    • "She did most of the work and, therefore, deserves the lion's share of the credit."
  8. Left to Your Own Devices

    • "Left to his own devices, he probably wouldn't have finished the project."

or more information or any questions about 'L' idioms, please visit our Facebook page:


Conclusion: Leveraging 'L' Idioms for Effective English Communication


You've now expanded your knowledge of idioms that start with 'L'. These phrases can help you communicate more effectively and understand the subtleties of English language usage. For any inquiries or more lessons, please visit our Facebook page:

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