A comprehensive guide to 120 essential English words, complete with meanings and over 1000 practical examples to enhance your vocabulary and communication skills.

120 Essential English Words for Everyday Communication

Welcome to your comprehensive guide on 120 essential English words that will significantly enhance your everyday communication skills. This lesson is designed to help ESL and TEFL learners grasp the meanings and practical applications of these crucial words through over 1000 examples.

By the end of this lesson, you will have a robust understanding of these words, their meanings, and how to use them effectively in sentences. This will not only improve your vocabulary but also boost your confidence in using English in various situations.

Let's dive into the useful vocabulary for everyday communication, detailing the meanings and providing numerous examples to solidify your understanding.

Essential English Words You Must Know

  1. Able - having the power, skill, means, or opportunity to do something.
    • I am able to complete the project by tomorrow.
    • She is able to speak three languages fluently.
    • Are you able to attend the meeting?
    • They were able to finish the race despite the rain.
  2. Accept - consent to receive or undertake something offered.
    • He accepted the job offer without hesitation.
    • Will you accept the terms of the agreement?
    • She accepted the gift with gratitude.
    • They accepted the invitation to the party.
  3. Achieve - successfully reach a desired objective or result by effort, skill, or courage.
    • She achieved her goal of becoming a doctor.
    • He worked hard to achieve his dreams.
    • They achieved a significant milestone in their project.
    • Achieving success requires dedication and hard work.
  4. Act - take action; do something.
    • She decided to act on her instincts.
    • He acted quickly to prevent the accident.
    • They acted on the advice given by the consultant.
    • Acting responsibly is crucial in this situation.
  5. Add - join something to something else to increase the size, number, or amount.
    • Please add your name to the list.
    • She added more sugar to the recipe.
    • They decided to add another member to the team.
    • Adding new skills to your repertoire is beneficial.
  6. Admire - regard with respect or warm approval.
    • I admire your dedication to the project.
    • She admires his ability to stay calm under pressure.
    • They admired the beautiful scenery.
    • He admires her for her honesty.
  7. Admit - confess to be true or to be the case.
    • He admitted his mistake.
    • She admitted to feeling nervous.
    • They admitted that the task was challenging.
    • He admitted his guilt in court.
  8. Advise - offer suggestions about the best course of action.
    • She advised him to take the job.
    • The doctor advised me to rest.
    • They advised against traveling alone.
    • He advised her on financial matters.
  9. Afford - have enough money to pay for.
    • I can't afford to buy a new car.
    • Can you afford this luxury?
    • They can't afford to make mistakes.
    • She can afford to travel abroad.
  10. Agree - have the same opinion about something.
    • I agree with your point of view.
    • They agreed to meet at noon.
    • Do you agree with the proposal?
    • She agreed to help us.
  11. Allow - give permission for something to happen.
    • They allowed him to leave early.
    • She doesn't allow smoking in her house.
    • We are not allowed to enter.
    • The teacher allowed extra time for the test.
  12. Answer - a reaction to a question, statement, or situation.
    • Please answer the phone.
    • She answered all the questions correctly.
    • He didn't answer my email.
    • They answered the call for help.
  13. Appear - come into sight; become visible or noticeable.
    • He appeared suddenly out of nowhere.
    • She appears to be very happy.
    • The stars appear at night.
    • The magician made the rabbit appear.
  14. Apply - make a formal application or request.
    • I applied for a job at the company.
    • She applied for a visa.
    • They applied for financial aid.
    • He applied the cream to his skin.
  15. Appreciate - recognize the full worth of.
    • I appreciate your help.
    • She appreciates good music.
    • They appreciate the gesture.
    • He appreciates her honesty.
  16. Argue - exchange or express diverging or opposite views.
    • They often argue about money.
    • She argued her point passionately.
    • He argued that it was unfair.
    • We argued for hours.
  17. Arrange - put things in a neat, attractive, or required order.
    • She arranged the flowers in a vase.
    • They arranged a meeting for next week.
    • He arranged his schedule around the event.
    • Can you arrange the files in alphabetical order?
  18. Ask - say something in order to obtain an answer or some information.
    • She asked him a question.
    • They asked for directions.
    • He asked if I needed help.
    • Can I ask you a favour?
  19. Assist - help someone typically by doing a share of the work.
    • They assisted the elderly man.
    • She assisted him with his homework.
    • Can you assist me with this task?
    • He assisted in organizing the event.
  20. Assume - suppose to be the case, without proof.
    • I assumed you were coming.
    • She assumed the responsibility.
    • They assumed he was guilty.
    • He assumed a leadership role.
  21. Assure - tell someone something positively to dispel any doubts.
    • I assure you that everything is fine.
    • She assured him of her support.
    • They assured us of their cooperation.
    • He assured me that he would be there.
  22. Attend - be present at an event, meeting, or function.
    • She attended the conference.
    • They attended the wedding.
    • He attended the lecture.
    • We attended the meeting.
  23. Attract - cause to come to a place or participate in a venture.
    • The event attracted a large crowd.
    • She attracts a lot of attention.
    • The museum attracts many tourists.
    • The scent attracts bees.
  24. Avoid - keep away from or stop oneself from doing something.
    • She avoids talking about her past.
    • They try to avoid conflicts.
    • He avoided making eye contact.
    • We should avoid junk food.
  25. Begin - start; perform or undergo the first part of an action or activity.
    • The concert begins at 8 pm.
    • She began to cry.
    • He began his career in the 1990s.
    • Let's begin the meeting.
  26. Believe - accept something as true; feel sure of the truth of.
    • I believe in you.
    • She believes that everything happens for a reason.
    • Do you believe in ghosts?
    • He believes in hard work.
  27. Belong - be the property of.
    • This book belongs to me.
    • The dog belongs to my neighbour.
    • They belong to the same club.
    • He feels like he belongs here.
  28. Blame - assign responsibility for a fault or wrong.
    • He blames her for the accident.
    • She blames herself for the mistake.
    • They blamed the weather for the delay.
    • Don't blame others for your problems.
  29. Break - separate into pieces as a result of a blow, shock, or strain.
    • He broke the vase.
    • She broke her arm.
    • The car broke down.
    • They broke up last year.
  30. Bring - take or go with someone or something to a place.
    • Please bring your books to class.
    • She brought a cake to the party.
    • He brought his friend to the meeting.
    • They brought their kids along.
  31. Build - construct something by putting parts or material together.
    • They are building a new house.
    • He builds model airplanes.
    • She is building a successful career.
    • We need to build a strong team.
  32. Buy - obtain in exchange for payment.
    • I bought a new car.
    • She buys groceries every week.
    • They bought tickets for the concert.
    • He bought a gift for his friend.
  33. Call - give a specified name to.
    • They called the dog Max.
    • She called her friend to chat.
    • He called the police.
    • We called for help.
  34. Care - the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something.
    • She cares for her elderly parents.
    • They care about the environment.
    • He doesn't care what others think.
    • We need to care for our planet.
  35. Carry - support and move someone or something from one place to another.
    • She carried the baby in her arms.
    • He carries a briefcase to work.
    • They carried the heavy box.
    • We need to carry out the plan.
  36. Catch - intercept and hold something that has been thrown, propelled, or dropped.
    • He caught the ball.
    • She caught a cold.
    • They caught the thief.
    • We need to catch the train.
  37. Change - make or become different.
    • She changed her hairstyle.
    • They changed the rules.
    • He changed his mind.
    • We need to change our approach.
  38. Choose - pick out or select someone or something as being the best or most appropriate.
    • She chose the blue dress.
    • They chose to stay home.
    • He chose a career in medicine.
    • We need to choose wisely.
  39. Close - move so as to cover an opening.
    • Please close the door.
    • The shop closes at 9 pm.
    • She closed her eyes.
    • They decided to close the business.
  40. Come - move or travel toward or into a place thought of as near or familiar to the speaker.
    • She came to the party.
    • They are coming over for dinner.
    • He came home late.
    • We need to come up with a solution.
  41. Compare - estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.
    • She compared the two dresses.
    • They compared their test scores.
    • He compared the prices.
    • We need to compare the results.
  42. Complete - finish making or doing.
    • She completed the project on time.
    • They completed the course.
    • He completed the puzzle.
    • We need to complete the task.
  43. Concern - relate to; be about.
    • This matter concerns everyone.
    • She is concerned about her health.
    • They expressed concern over the issue.
    • He doesn't seem concerned.
  44. Confirm - establish the truth or correctness of something previously believed, suspected, or feared to be the case.
    • She confirmed the appointment.
    • They confirmed the reservation.
    • He confirmed his attendance.
    • We need to confirm the details.
  45. Consider - think carefully about something, typically before making a decision.
    • She considered her options.
    • They considered the proposal.
    • He considered quitting his job.
    • We need to consider the consequences.
  46. Continue - persist in an activity or process.
    • She continued her studies.
    • They continued to work despite the challenges.
    • He continued speaking after the interruption.
    • We need to continue our efforts.
  47. Create - bring something into existence.
    • She created a beautiful painting.
    • They created a new app.
    • He creates music in his free time.
    • We need to create a plan.
  48. Decide - come to a resolution in the mind as a result of consideration.
    • She decided to stay.
    • They decided to move.
    • He decided to take the job.
    • We need to decide by tomorrow.
  49. Deliver - bring and hand over to the proper recipient or address.
    • She delivered the package.
    • They deliver food to your door.
    • He delivers a speech every year.
    • We need to deliver results.
  50. Develop - grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate.
    • She developed a new skill.
    • They are developing a new product.
    • He developed a strong argument.
    • We need to develop a strategy.
  51. Discuss - talk about something with another person or group of people.
    • She discussed the issue with her team.
    • They discussed their plans.
    • He discussed his concerns.
    • We need to discuss the details.
  52. Discover - find something or someone unexpectedly or during a search.
    • She discovered a hidden talent.
    • They discovered a new species.
    • He discovered the truth.
    • We need to discover the cause.
  53. Do - perform an action, the precise nature of which is often unspecified.
    • She did her homework.
    • They do their chores every day.
    • He did his best.
    • We need to do something about this.
  54. Draw - produce a picture or diagram by making lines and marks, especially with a pen or pencil, on paper.
    • She drew a beautiful landscape.
    • They drew a map of the area.
    • He drew a picture of his family.
    • We need to draw a plan.
  55. Drink - take (a liquid) into the mouth and swallow.
    • She drank a glass of water.
    • They drink coffee every morning.
    • He drinks a lot of soda.
    • We need to drink more water.
  56. Drive - operate and control the direction and speed of a motor vehicle.
    • She drives to work every day.
    • They drove to the countryside.
    • He drives a sports car.
    • We need to drive carefully.
  57. Eat - put (food) into the mouth and chew and swallow it.
    • She eats a healthy diet.
    • They eat dinner together every night.
    • He eats too much fast food.
    • We need to eat more vegetables.
  58. Enjoy - take delight or pleasure in (an activity or occasion).
    • She enjoys reading books.
    • They enjoy playing football.
    • He enjoys cooking.
    • We need to enjoy life more.
  59. Enter - come or go into (a place).
    • She entered the room quietly.
    • They entered the competition.
    • He entered the building.
    • We need to enter our details.
  60. Establish - set up on a firm or permanent basis.
    • She established a new company.
    • They established the rules.
    • He established his reputation.
    • We need to establish a connection.
  61. Examine - inspect (someone or something) in detail to determine their nature or condition; investigate thoroughly.
    • She examined the evidence.
    • They examined the patient.
    • He examined the documents.
    • We need to examine the situation.
  62. Exist - have objective reality or being.
    • Do you believe ghosts exist?
    • She exists in a world of her own.
    • They exist to serve the community.
    • He believes aliens exist.
  63. Expect - regard (something) as likely to happen.
    • She expects to win the race.
    • They expect good results.
    • He expects an answer soon.
    • We need to expect the unexpected.
  64. Explain - make (an idea, situation, or problem) clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts or ideas.
    • She explained the concept clearly.
    • They explained their reasoning.
    • He explained the situation.
    • We need to explain the rules.
  65. Explore - travel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it.
    • She loves to explore new places.
    • They explored the forest.
    • He explores different cultures.
    • We need to explore our options.
  66. Express - convey (a thought or feeling) in words or by gestures and conduct.
    • She expressed her gratitude.
    • They expressed their opinions.
    • He expressed his feelings.
    • We need to express ourselves.
  67. Fail - be unsuccessful in achieving one's goal.
    • She failed the exam.
    • They failed to meet the deadline.
    • He failed to understand.
    • We need to ensure we don't fail.
  68. Fall - move downward, typically rapidly and freely without control, from a higher to a lower level.
    • She fell down the stairs.
    • They fell in love.
    • He fell asleep quickly.
    • We need to be careful not to fall.
  69. Feel - be aware of (a person or object) through touching or being touched.
    • She feels happy today.
    • They feel the heat.
    • He feels nervous before exams.
    • We need to feel more confident.
  70. Find - discover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly.
    • She found her keys.
    • They found a solution.
    • He found the answer.
    • We need to find a way.
  71. Finish - bring (a task or activity) to an end; complete.
    • She finished her work early.
    • They finished the project.
    • He finished his meal.
    • We need to finish this by tomorrow.
  72. Follow - go or come after (a person or thing proceeding ahead); move or travel behind.
    • She followed the instructions.
    • They followed the path.
    • He followed his dreams.
    • We need to follow the rules.
  73. Forget - fail to remember.
    • She forgot his birthday.
    • They forgot to lock the door.
    • He forgets things easily.
    • We need to ensure we don't forget.
  74. Forgive - stop feeling angry or resentful towards (someone) for an offence, flaw, or mistake.
    • She forgave him for lying.
    • They forgave each other.
    • He forgave his friend.
    • We need to learn to forgive.
  75. Get - come to have (something); receive.
    • She got a new job.
    • They got married last year.
    • He gets up early.
    • We need to get ready.
  76. Give - freely transfer the possession of (something) to (someone).
    • She gave him a gift.
    • They give to charity.
    • He gave his time generously.
    • We need to give it our best.
  77. Go - move from one place to another; travel.
    • She goes to school by bus.
    • They go on vacation every summer.
    • He goes jogging every morning.
    • We need to go now.
  78. Grow - (of a living thing) undergo natural development by increasing in size and changing physically.
    • She grows her own vegetables.
    • They grow quickly.
    • He grew up in a small town.
    • We need to grow our business.
  79. Happen - take place; occur.
    • Accidents happen.
    • What happened next?
    • It happens all the time.
    • We need to make it happen.
  80. Have - possess, own, or hold.
    • She has a cat.
    • They have a big house.
    • He has a lot of friends.
    • We need to have patience.
  81. Hear - perceive with the ear the sound made by (someone or something).
    • She hears a noise.
    • They heard the news.
    • He hears what you say.
    • We need to hear both sides.
  82. Help - make it easier or possible for (someone) to do something by offering one's services or resources.
    • She helps her mother.
    • They help each other.
    • He helped me with my homework.
    • We need to help those in need.
  83. Hope - want something to happen or be the case.
    • She hopes for the best.
    • They hope to win.
    • He hopes it will work out.
    • We need to keep hoping.
  84. Hurt - cause physical pain or injury to.
    • She hurt her leg.
    • They hurt each other's feelings.
    • He hurt his back.
    • We need to ensure no one gets hurt.
  85. Improve - make or become better.
    • She wants to improve her skills.
    • They improved their performance.
    • He improved his grades.
    • We need to improve our services.
  86. Include - comprise or contain as part of a whole.
    • She included everyone in the invitation.
    • They include a variety of options.
    • He included all the details.
    • We need to include this information.
  87. Increase - become or make greater in size, amount, or degree.
    • She increased her efforts.
    • They increased the budget.
    • He increased his speed.
    • We need to increase productivity.
  88. Inform - give (someone) facts or information; tell.
    • She informed him of the changes.
    • They informed the authorities.
    • He informed us about the meeting.
    • We need to inform the public.
  89. Insist - demand something forcefully, not accepting refusal.
    • She insisted on paying.
    • They insisted on their innocence.
    • He insists that he is right.
    • We need to insist on high standards.
  90. Introduce - bring (something, especially a product, measure, or concept) into use or operation for the first time.
    • She introduced him to her friends.
    • They introduced a new policy.
    • He introduced the topic.
    • We need to introduce new ideas.
  91. Join - link; connect.
    • She joined the club.
    • They joined hands.
    • He joined the conversation.
    • We need to join forces.
  92. Keep - have or retain possession of.
    • She keeps her promises.
    • They keep in touch.
    • He keeps a diary.
    • We need to keep trying.
  93. Know - be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information.
    • She knows the answer.
    • They know each other well.
    • He knows what to do.
    • We need to know more.
  94. Learn - gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in (something) by study, experience, or being taught.
    • She learns quickly.
    • They learned a lot from the workshop.
    • He is learning to play the guitar.
    • We need to learn from our mistakes.
  95. Leave - go away from.
    • She left the party early.
    • They leave for work at 8 am.
    • He left a message.
    • We need to leave now.
  96. Like - find agreeable, enjoyable, or satisfactory.
    • She likes reading.
    • They like each other.
    • He likes to travel.
    • We need to like what we do.
  97. Live - remain alive.
    • She lives in London.
    • They live happily.
    • He lives a healthy lifestyle.
    • We need to live fully.
  98. Look - direct one's gaze toward someone or something or in a specified direction.
    • She looked at the painting.
    • They look happy together.
    • He looks tired.
    • We need to look into this matter.
  99. Lose - be deprived of or cease to have or retain (something).
    • She lost her keys.
    • They lost the game.
    • He lost his way.
    • We need to ensure we don't lose focus.
  100. Love - an intense feeling of deep affection. - She loves her family. - They love each other. - He loves his job. - We need to love ourselves.
  101. Make - form (something) by putting parts together or combining substances; create. - She makes jewellery. - They make a great team. - He makes his own decisions. - We need to make a plan.
  102. Mean - intend to convey, indicate, or refer to (a particular thing or notion); signify. - She means well. - They mean business. - He means what he says. - We need to mean what we say.
  103. Meet - come into the presence or company of (someone) by chance or arrangement. - She met him at a party. - They meet every week. - He met his goals. - We need to meet our deadlines.
  104. Move - go in a specified direction or manner; change position. - She moved to a new city. - They moved the furniture. - He moves quickly. - We need to move forward.
  105. Need - require (something) because it is essential or very important rather than just desirable. - She needs help. - They need more time. - He needs to relax. - We need to understand the situation.
  106. Offer - present or proffer (something) for (someone) to accept or reject as so desired. - She offered him a job. - They offer a wide range of services. - He offered to help. - We need to offer a solution.
  107. Open - move (a door or window) so as to leave a space allowing access and vision. - She opened the door. - They open at 9 am. - He opened his eyes. - We need to open our minds.
  108. Pay - give (someone) money that is due for work done, goods received, or a debt incurred. - She paid the bill. - They pay their employees well. - He pays his taxes. - We need to pay attention.
  109. Plan - decide on and arrange in advance. - She plans her day. - They plan to travel. - He plans to retire early. - We need to plan ahead.
  110. Play - engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose. - She plays the piano. - They play football. - He plays video games. - We need to play our part.
  111. Provide - make available for use; supply. - She provides excellent service. - They provide for their family. - He provides information. - We need to provide support.
  112. Read - look at and comprehend the meaning of (written or printed matter) by mentally interpreting the characters or symbols of which it is composed. - She reads a book every month. - They read the news online. - He reads to his children. - We need to read the instructions.
  113. Receive - be given, presented with, or paid (something). - She received a gift. - They received an award. - He receives a salary. - We need to receive feedback.
  114. Recognize - identify (someone or something) from having encountered them before; know again. - She recognized him immediately. - They recognize the importance of education. - He recognized the voice. - We need to recognize our limits.
  115. Remember - have in or be able to bring to one's mind an awareness of (someone or something from the past). - She remembers her childhood. - They remember their first meeting. - He remembers everything. - We need to remember the details.
  116. Reply - say something in response to something someone has said. - She replied to his message. - They replied with a smile. - He replied quickly. - We need to reply to their request.
  117. Return - come or go back to a place or person. - She returned the book. - They return home every summer. - He returned to his hometown. - We need to return the favour.
  118. Run - move at a speed faster than a walk, never having both or all the feet on the ground at the same time. - She runs every morning. - They run a successful business. - He runs marathons. - We need to run some tests.
  119. Say - utter words so as to convey information, an opinion, a feeling or intention, or an instruction. - She says hello. - They say it's going to rain. - He says he's busy. - We need to say something.
  120. See - perceive with the eyes; discern visually. - She sees the beauty in everything. - They see each other often. - He sees the potential. - We need to see the bigger picture.

Example Conversation

A: Are you able to join us for dinner tonight? B: I am able to, but I need to finish my work first. A: No problem. By the way, did you accept the invitation to John's wedding? B: Yes, I accepted it yesterday. I'm looking forward to it. A: That's great! Have you achieved any new goals at work lately? B: Yes, I achieved my target sales for the month. A: Fantastic! Let's act on our plan to celebrate then. B: Agreed! Also, we should add this event to our calendar.

Summary and Takeaways

Lesson Overview: In this lesson, we've explored 120 essential English words, focusing on their meanings and practical examples to help you enhance your vocabulary and communication skills.

Key Phrases Learnt: Words like 'able', 'accept', 'achieve', 'act', and 'add' are crucial for everyday conversations and will improve your ability to express yourself clearly.

Practice Exercises: To reinforce your learning, try creating sentences using each word. Additionally, engage in conversations where you intentionally use these words.

Tips for Remembering: Associating words with personal experiences or creating flashcards can be effective methods for remembering new vocabulary.

Further Lessons: For more lessons, browse our website for a variety of topics designed to improve your English skills.

Engagement: Share our platform with friends and visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/learningenglishfree.co.uk for more lessons and tips.

Contact Information: Feel free to reach out via our Facebook page for any questions or additional support.

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