Mastering Basic Cooking and Kitchen Terms in English


Introduction to Kitchen and Cooking Vocabulary

Welcome to our English lesson on food and cooking basics. In this session, we will explore essential vocabulary related to cooking and kitchen appliances. This lesson will benefit those who enjoy cooking or want to understand more about kitchen-related terms. By the end of this lesson, you'll be familiar with a range of words from "refrigerator" to "grill," and you'll learn how to use them in sentences.

For further information or any questions about food and cooking basics, visit our Facebook page:

An informative guide highlighting key kitchen and cooking vocabulary with simple definitions and usage examples, ideal for English language learners.

  1. Icemaker

    • A device in a freezer that makes ice cubes.
    • Sentence: "Our new refrigerator has a built-in icemaker."
  2. Refrigerator

    • An appliance for keeping food cold.
    • Sentence: "Please put the milk back in the refrigerator."
  3. Steam (v)

    • To cook food using steam.
    • Sentence: "She decided to steam the vegetables to keep them healthy."
  4. Shelf

    • A flat surface in a cabinet or refrigerator for storing items.
    • Sentence: "We keep our glasses on the top shelf."
  5. Draining Board

    • A surface next to a sink for drying washed dishes.
    • Sentence: "Place the washed plates on the draining board."
  6. Burner

    • A part of a stove where flames or heat are produced for cooking.
    • Sentence: "Turn on the burner to start boiling water."
  7. Freezer

    • A compartment of a refrigerator for storing frozen foods.
    • Sentence: "I stored the ice cream in the freezer."
  8. Crisper

    • A drawer in a refrigerator for storing fresh vegetables.
    • Sentence: "You can find the lettuce in the crisper."
  9. Garbage Can

    • A container for waste or trash.
    • Sentence: "Please throw the peel in the garbage can."
  10. Sauté (v)

    • To cook food quickly in a bit of oil or butter.
    • Sentence: "He sautéed onions for the sauce."
  11. Freeze (v)

    • To make food cold until it becomes solid.
    • Sentence: "I need to freeze these berries for the smoothie."
  12. Stovetop

    • The top part of a stove, where pots and pans are placed for cooking.
    • Sentence: "She placed the kettle on the stovetop to boil water."
  13. Defrost (v)

    • To thaw frozen food.
    • Sentence: "Remember to defrost the chicken before cooking."
  14. Side-by-Side Refrigerator

    • A refrigerator with two sections standing next to each other.
    • Sentence: "Our kitchen has a side-by-side refrigerator."
  15. Cooking

    • The process of preparing food by heating it.
    • Sentence: "Cooking is one of his favourite hobbies."
  16. Peel

    • To remove the outer layer from fruits or vegetables.
    • Sentence: "Can you peel the apples for the pie?"
  17. Whisk

    • To beat or stir with a light, rapid movement.
    • Sentence: "She used a whisk to mix the cake batter."
  18. Slice

    • Cut into thin, flat pieces.
    • Sentence: "Please slice the bread for sandwiches."
  19. Boil

    • Heat a liquid until it reaches its boiling point.
    • Sentence: "Boil water in a pot to cook pasta."
  20. Simmer

    • To cook gently in a liquid just at or below the boiling point.
    • Sentence: "Let the sauce simmer for twenty minutes."
  21. Poach

    • To cook by simmering in a small amount of liquid.
    • Sentence: "She poached eggs for breakfast."
  22. Grate

    • To shred food into small pieces.
    • Sentence: "Please grate some cheese for the salad."
  23. Pour

    • To make a liquid flow from a container.
    • Sentence: "Pour the milk into the bowl."
  24. Mix

    • To combine ingredients together.
    • Sentence: "Mix the flour and sugar thoroughly."
  25. Fry

    • Cook in hot oil.
    • Sentence: "We will fry the chicken for dinner."
  26. Roll

    • To shape dough into a cylindrical or round shape.
    • Sentence: "Roll the dough into a log before cutting it."
  27. Stir

    • Mix ingredients in a circular motion.
    • Sentence: "Stir the soup to prevent it from sticking."
  28. Bake

    • To cook in an oven.
    • Sentence: "We bake cookies every Sunday."
  29. Roast

    • To cook food, especially meat, in an oven.
    • Sentence: "We're going to roast a chicken for dinner."
  30. Grill

    • To cook food on a metal frame over a fire.
    • Sentence: "Let's grill some burgers and sausages."


Conclusion: Enhancing Your English Skills with Cooking Vocabulary

Congratulations on completing this lesson on food and cooking basics in English. These terms are essential for anyone interested in cooking or simply discussing food. Practising these words will enhance your culinary vocabulary and help you communicate more effectively in the kitchen. For inquiries or more lessons, please visit our Facebook page:


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