An in-depth English lesson on 120 essential words, their meanings, and over 500 usage examples, ideal for ESL and TEFL learners to enhance their vocabulary.

Crucial Vocabulary for Effective English Communication


By the end of this lesson, learners will have a comprehensive understanding of 120 essential English words, their meanings, and practical usage. This lesson is designed to enhance vocabulary, improve communication skills, and boost confidence in using English effectively.

In this lesson, we will cover a wide range of essential words that are commonly used in everyday conversations, academic settings, and professional environments. Each word will be accompanied by detailed meanings and numerous examples to help you grasp their usage in different contexts.

Useful Vocabulary for Effective English Communication

This lesson aims to provide you with a solid foundation in English vocabulary. You will learn the meanings of essential words and see how they are used in sentences. With over 500 examples, you will have ample practice to master these words and incorporate them into your daily conversations.


Important English Words and Their Meanings

  1. Acknowledge
    • Meaning: To accept or admit the existence or truth of something.
    • Example 1: She acknowledged her mistake and apologised.
    • Example 2: They refused to acknowledge the defeat.
    • Example 3: The company acknowledged his hard work with a bonus.
    • Example 4: He nodded to acknowledge her presence.
  2. Acquire
    • Meaning: To obtain or gain something.
    • Example 1: She acquired a new language skill.
    • Example 2: He acquired the company in 2010.
    • Example 3: The library acquired a rare manuscript.
    • Example 4: He acquired a taste for classical music.
  3. Adapt
    • Meaning: To make suitable for a new use or purpose; modify.
    • Example 1: The novel was adapted into a film.
    • Example 2: He had to adapt to the new environment quickly.
    • Example 3: The software has been adapted for mobile devices.
    • Example 4: She adapted her teaching style to better suit her students.
  4. Adequate
    • Meaning: Sufficient, enough to meet the needs.
    • Example 1: The food supply was adequate for the population.
    • Example 2: She found the explanation adequate for her understanding.
    • Example 3: The shelter provided adequate protection from the storm.
    • Example 4: His performance was adequate, but not exceptional.
  5. Advocate
    • Meaning: To support or argue for a cause or policy.
    • Example 1: She is an advocate for environmental protection.
    • Example 2: They advocated for better working conditions.
    • Example 3: He advocated for the rights of the disabled.
    • Example 4: The organisation advocates for human rights.
  6. Allocate
    • Meaning: To distribute resources or duties for a particular purpose.
    • Example 1: Funds were allocated for the new project.
    • Example 2: The manager allocated tasks to each team member.
    • Example 3: Resources were allocated to improve infrastructure.
    • Example 4: Time must be allocated wisely for each task.
  7. Analyse
    • Meaning: To examine in detail for purposes of explanation and interpretation.
    • Example 1: They analysed the data from the experiment.
    • Example 2: The report analyses the economic impact of the policy.
    • Example 3: She analysed the text for literary devices.
    • Example 4: The team analysed the results to find patterns.
  8. Appropriate
    • Meaning: Suitable or proper in the circumstances.
    • Example 1: He wore appropriate attire for the event.
    • Example 2: Her response was appropriate given the situation.
    • Example 3: The funds were used for appropriate purposes.
    • Example 4: The behaviour was not appropriate for the occasion.
  9. Assume
    • Meaning: To take for granted or without proof.
    • Example 1: She assumed he was coming to the party.
    • Example 2: Don’t assume that everyone agrees with you.
    • Example 3: He assumed responsibility for the project.
    • Example 4: They assumed she would be late.
  10. Beneficial
    • Meaning: Resulting in good; favourable or advantageous.
    • Example 1: Exercise is beneficial for health.
    • Example 2: The new policy is beneficial for small businesses.
    • Example 3: Reading is beneficial for mental stimulation.
    • Example 4: The changes will be beneficial in the long run.
  11. Clarify
    • Meaning: To make a statement or situation less confused and more comprehensible.
    • Example 1: Could you clarify your last statement?
    • Example 2: She asked for clarification on the point.
    • Example 3: The instructions need to be clarified.
    • Example 4: He clarified the rules for the team.
  12. Compile
    • Meaning: To collect information from different sources and arrange it in a book, report, or list.
    • Example 1: They compiled a list of all the supplies needed.
    • Example 2: She compiled the report from various sources.
    • Example 3: The data was compiled from several studies.
    • Example 4: He compiled a playlist of his favourite songs.
  13. Comprehend
    • Meaning: To grasp mentally; understand.
    • Example 1: She found it hard to comprehend the instructions.
    • Example 2: He could not comprehend why she was upset.
    • Example 3: They need time to comprehend the changes.
    • Example 4: The students comprehended the lesson quickly.
  14. Conclude
    • Meaning: To bring something to an end; finish.
    • Example 1: The meeting concluded at 10 PM.
    • Example 2: She concluded her speech with a quote.
    • Example 3: They concluded that the experiment was successful.
    • Example 4: He concluded his letter with kind regards.
  15. Conduct
    • Meaning: To organise and carry out.
    • Example 1: They conducted a survey on customer satisfaction.
    • Example 2: She conducted the orchestra with great skill.
    • Example 3: The research was conducted over five years.
    • Example 4: He conducted the interview professionally.
  16. Confirm
    • Meaning: To establish the truth or correctness of something previously believed or suspected to be the case.
    • Example 1: The test results confirmed the diagnosis.
    • Example 2: She confirmed her attendance at the meeting.
    • Example 3: They confirmed the booking by email.
    • Example 4: The theory was confirmed by further experiments.
  17. Consequence
    • Meaning: A result or effect of an action or condition.
    • Example 1: The consequence of the error was significant.
    • Example 2: She faced the consequences of her actions.
    • Example 3: The changes had unexpected consequences.
    • Example 4: There are consequences to every decision we make.
  18. Construct
    • Meaning: To build or make something, typically a building, road, or machine.
    • Example 1: They constructed a new bridge over the river.
    • Example 2: The building was constructed in 2001.
    • Example 3: He constructed a model out of wood.
    • Example 4: The team constructed a plan to improve efficiency.
  19. Contribute
    • Meaning: To give something, especially money, in order to help achieve or provide something.
    • Example 1: She contributed to the charity fund.
    • Example 2: They each contributed £10 to the gift.
    • Example 3: He contributed his ideas to the project.
    • Example 4: The company contributed to the community event.
  20. Converse
    • Meaning: To engage in conversation.
    • Example 1: They conversed about the new book.
    • Example 2: She enjoyed conversing with her colleagues.
    • Example 3: He conversed with the guests at the party.
    • Example 4: They often converse in French at home.
  21. Create
    • Meaning: To bring something into existence.
    • Example 1: She created a beautiful painting.
    • Example 2: The company was created in 1999.
    • Example 3: He created a new recipe.
    • Example 4: They created a new system for managing projects.
  22. Demonstrate
    • Meaning: To show or explain how something works or is done.
    • Example 1: She demonstrated how to use the software.
    • Example 2: The teacher demonstrated the experiment to the class.
    • Example 3: He demonstrated his skills at the workshop.
    • Example 4: They demonstrated the product at the trade show.
  23. Determine
    • Meaning: To establish exactly by research or calculation.
    • Example 1: They determined the cause of the problem.
    • Example 2: The test will determine your level of proficiency.
    • Example 3: She determined the best course of action.
    • Example 4: He determined the amount of resources needed.
  24. Develop
    • Meaning: To grow or cause to grow and become more mature or advanced.
    • Example 1: The company developed a new product.
    • Example 2: She developed her skills over the years.
    • Example 3: The project developed slowly.
    • Example 4: They developed a new strategy for marketing.
  25. Discuss
    • Meaning: To talk about something with another person or group.
    • Example 1: They discussed the new policy at the meeting.
    • Example 2: She discussed her ideas with her colleagues.
    • Example 3: He discussed the book with his friends.
    • Example 4: They discussed the issue for hours.
  26. Distinguish
    • Meaning: To recognise or treat as different.
    • Example 1: He could not distinguish between the two twins.
    • Example 2: She distinguished herself in her studies.
    • Example 3: They distinguished the different species of birds.
    • Example 4: The chef distinguished the flavours in the dish.
  27. Distribute
    • Meaning: To give out or deliver to a number of people.
    • Example 1: They distributed food to the needy.
    • Example 2: She distributed the papers to the class.
    • Example 3: The company distributes its products worldwide.
    • Example 4: He distributed the flyers in the neighbourhood.
  28. Enhance
    • Meaning: To improve the quality, amount, or strength of something.
    • Example 1: The company enhanced the product's features.
    • Example 2: She enhanced her skills through training.
    • Example 3: The new technology enhanced the performance.
    • Example 4: They enhanced the design of the website.
  29. Establish
    • Meaning: To set up on a firm or permanent basis.
    • Example 1: The company was established in 2005.
    • Example 2: She established herself as a leading expert.
    • Example 3: They established a new protocol.
    • Example 4: He established a good relationship with his clients.
  30. Evaluate
    • Meaning: To judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something.
    • Example 1: They evaluated the project's success.
    • Example 2: She evaluated the students' performance.
    • Example 3: He evaluated the cost of the materials.
    • Example 4: The team evaluated the risks involved.
  31. Examine
    • Meaning: To inspect or look at closely.
    • Example 1: They examined the evidence carefully.
    • Example 2: She examined the patient thoroughly.
    • Example 3: He examined the document for errors.
    • Example 4: The scientist examined the sample under a microscope.
  32. Expand
    • Meaning: To increase in size, number, or importance.
    • Example 1: The company plans to expand its operations.
    • Example 2: She expanded her knowledge through reading.
    • Example 3: The business expanded rapidly.
    • Example 4: They expanded the product line to include new items.
  33. Explain
    • Meaning: To make something clear or easy to understand.
    • Example 1: She explained the concept to the students.
    • Example 2: He explained how the machine works.
    • Example 3: They explained the reasons for the delay.
    • Example 4: The teacher explained the instructions clearly.
  34. Explore
    • Meaning: To travel through an unfamiliar area to learn about it.
    • Example 1: They explored the forest during the hike.
    • Example 2: She explored different career options.
    • Example 3: The team explored the new market opportunities.
    • Example 4: He explored the city on his own.
  35. Extend
    • Meaning: To cause something to reach, stretch, or continue.
    • Example 1: They extended the deadline for the project.
    • Example 2: She extended her hand in friendship.
    • Example 3: The company extended its services to new areas.
    • Example 4: He extended his stay by a few days.
  36. Facilitate
    • Meaning: To make an action or process easy or easier.
    • Example 1: The moderator facilitated the discussion.
    • Example 2: She facilitated the training session.
    • Example 3: Technology facilitates communication.
    • Example 4: They facilitated the process by providing resources.
  37. Generate
    • Meaning: To produce or create something.
    • Example 1: The company generates electricity from renewable sources.
    • Example 2: She generated new ideas for the project.
    • Example 3: The machine generates heat.
    • Example 4: They generated a lot of interest in the event.
  38. Identify
    • Meaning: To recognise or establish what something is.
    • Example 1: She identified the problem quickly.
    • Example 2: They identified the suspect in the case.
    • Example 3: He identified the need for improvement.
    • Example 4: The doctor identified the symptoms of the disease.
  39. Implement
    • Meaning: To put a decision, plan, agreement, etc. into effect.
    • Example 1: They implemented a new system for managing projects.
    • Example 2: She implemented the changes effectively.
    • Example 3: The company implemented a new policy.
    • Example 4: He implemented the strategy successfully.
  40. Improve
    • Meaning: To make something better.
    • Example 1: They improved the quality of the product.
    • Example 2: She improved her skills through practice.
    • Example 3: The company improved its customer service.
    • Example 4: He improved his performance in the exams.
  41. Indicate
    • Meaning: To show or point out.
    • Example 1: The signs indicate the direction to follow.
    • Example 2: She indicated her preference for the red dress.
    • Example 3: The data indicates a significant increase.
    • Example 4: He indicated his agreement with a nod.
  42. Involve
    • Meaning: To include someone or something in an activity or situation.
    • Example 1: The project involves several stages.
    • Example 2: She was involved in the planning process.
    • Example 3: They involved the community in the decision-making.
    • Example 4: He is involved in many extracurricular activities.
  43. Justify
    • Meaning: To show or prove to be right or reasonable.
    • Example 1: She justified her decision to the board.
    • Example 2: He justified his actions with valid reasons.
    • Example 3: The results justify the investment.
    • Example 4: They justified the need for additional funding.
  44. Maintain
    • Meaning: To keep something in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly.
    • Example 1: They maintain the equipment to ensure safety.
    • Example 2: She maintained her composure during the interview.
    • Example 3: The building is well-maintained.
    • Example 4: He maintains a healthy lifestyle.
  45. Modify
    • Meaning: To change something slightly, especially to improve it or make it more acceptable.
    • Example 1: They modified the design to meet the requirements.
    • Example 2: She modified her approach to the problem.
    • Example 3: The software was modified to run on different platforms.
    • Example 4: He modified his diet to include more vegetables.
  46. Negotiate
    • Meaning: To try to reach an agreement or compromise by discussion.
    • Example 1: They negotiated a new contract with the union.
    • Example 2: She negotiated a better deal for the company.
    • Example 3: The parties negotiated for several hours.
    • Example 4: He negotiated a lower price for the car.
  47. Observe
    • Meaning: To watch carefully the way something happens or the way someone does something, especially in order to learn more about it.
    • Example 1: They observed the behaviour of the animals.
    • Example 2: She observed the changes in the weather.
    • Example 3: The teacher observed the students during the exam.
    • Example 4: He observed the stars through the telescope.
  48. Obtain
    • Meaning: To get something, especially by making an effort.
    • Example 1: She obtained her degree in 2015.
    • Example 2: They obtained permission to start the project.
    • Example 3: He obtained the information from a reliable source.
    • Example 4: The company obtained a new patent.
  49. Organise
    • Meaning: To arrange systematically; to coordinate.
    • Example 1: They organised a conference for the industry.
    • Example 2: She organised her schedule to fit more tasks.
    • Example 3: The team organised a charity event.
    • Example 4: He organised the files in alphabetical order.
  50. Participate
    • Meaning: To take part in an activity or event.
    • Example 1: She participated in the marathon last year.
    • Example 2: They participated actively in the discussion.
    • Example 3: He participated in the cultural festival.
    • Example 4: The students participated in the science fair.
  51. Perceive
    • Meaning: To become aware or conscious of something; to understand or interpret something in a particular way.
    • Example 1: She perceived a change in his attitude.
    • Example 2: They perceived the issue differently.
    • Example 3: He perceived the task as a challenge.
    • Example 4: The artist perceived beauty in everyday objects.
  52. Persuade
    • Meaning: To convince someone to do or believe something through reasoning or argument.
    • Example 1: She persuaded him to join the club.
    • Example 2: They persuaded the committee to approve the proposal.
    • Example 3: He persuaded her to consider the offer.
    • Example 4: The advertisement persuaded many to buy the product.
  53. Predict
    • Meaning: To say that an event or action will happen in the future, especially as a result of knowledge or experience.
    • Example 1: They predicted rain for the weekend.
    • Example 2: She predicted that the market would improve.
    • Example 3: He predicted the outcome of the election.
    • Example 4: The forecast predicted a sunny day.
  54. Prepare
    • Meaning: To make someone or something ready for a particular purpose.
    • Example 1: She prepared dinner for the guests.
    • Example 2: They prepared the room for the meeting.
    • Example 3: He prepared himself for the interview.
    • Example 4: The students prepared for the exam.
  55. Present
    • Meaning: To show or offer something for others to consider.
    • Example 1: They presented the report to the board.
    • Example 2: She presented her findings at the conference.
    • Example 3: He presented the award to the winner.
    • Example 4: The company presented its new product at the fair.
  56. Propose
    • Meaning: To put forward an idea or plan for consideration.
    • Example 1: She proposed a new strategy for the project.
    • Example 2: They proposed changes to the policy.
    • Example 3: He proposed a solution to the problem.
    • Example 4: The committee proposed a new rule.
  57. Pursue
    • Meaning: To follow or chase with determination.
    • Example 1: She pursued a career in medicine.
    • Example 2: They pursued the suspect through the streets.
    • Example 3: He pursued his dream of becoming an actor.
    • Example 4: The team pursued the championship title.
  58. Recommend
    • Meaning: To suggest that something is good or suitable for a particular purpose or job.
    • Example 1: She recommended the restaurant to her friends.
    • Example 2: They recommended a new approach to the problem.
    • Example 3: He recommended the book for the course.
    • Example 4: The doctor recommended more exercise.
  59. Recognise
    • Meaning: To identify someone or something seen before.
    • Example 1: She recognised him from the conference.
    • Example 2: They recognised the need for change.
    • Example 3: He recognised the song immediately.
    • Example 4: The company recognises outstanding performance.
  60. Reflect
    • Meaning: To think carefully and deeply about something.
    • Example 1: She reflected on her past decisions.
    • Example 2: They reflected on the team's performance.
    • Example 3: He reflected on the meaning of life.
    • Example 4: The mirror reflects light.
  61. Refuse
    • Meaning: To indicate or show that one is not willing to do something.
    • Example 1: She refused the job offer.
    • Example 2: They refused to comply with the regulations.
    • Example 3: He refused to answer the question.
    • Example 4: The company refused to comment on the issue.
  62. Regard
    • Meaning: To consider or think of someone or something in a specified way.
    • Example 1: She is highly regarded by her peers.
    • Example 2: They regarded the proposal with suspicion.
    • Example 3: He regarded her with admiration.
    • Example 4: The team regards the project as a success.
  63. Reject
    • Meaning: To refuse to accept, use, or believe something or someone.
    • Example 1: They rejected the application.
    • Example 2: She rejected his offer of help.
    • Example 3: The proposal was rejected by the committee.
    • Example 4: He rejected the idea as impractical.
  64. Relate
    • Meaning: To show or make a connection between two or more things.
    • Example 1: The story relates to the theme of friendship.
    • Example 2: She related her experiences to the group.
    • Example 3: He related the events of the day.
    • Example 4: The study relates diet to health.
  65. Respond
    • Meaning: To say or do something as a reaction to something that has been said or done.
    • Example 1: She responded to the question quickly.
    • Example 2: They responded with enthusiasm.
    • Example 3: He responded to the email immediately.
    • Example 4: The company responded to the crisis effectively.
  66. Review
    • Meaning: To examine or assess something formally with the possibility or intention of instituting change if necessary.
    • Example 1: They reviewed the contract before signing.
    • Example 2: She reviewed her notes before the exam.
    • Example 3: He reviewed the performance of the team.
    • Example 4: The committee reviewed the proposal.
  67. Select
    • Meaning: To carefully choose as being the best or most suitable.
    • Example 1: She selected a dress for the occasion.
    • Example 2: They selected the best candidate for the job.
    • Example 3: He selected a book from the shelf.
    • Example 4: The committee selected the winner.
  68. Specify
    • Meaning: To identify clearly and definitely.
    • Example 1: The instructions specify how to assemble the furniture.
    • Example 2: She specified the requirements for the job.
    • Example 3: He specified the date for the meeting.
    • Example 4: The contract specifies the terms of the agreement.
  69. Summarise
    • Meaning: To give a brief statement of the main points of something.
    • Example 1: She summarised the article in a few sentences.
    • Example 2: They summarised the findings of the report.
    • Example 3: He summarised the main points of the discussion.
    • Example 4: The teacher summarised the lesson at the end of the class.
  70. Support
    • Meaning: To bear all or part of the weight of; hold up.
    • Example 1: The bridge supports the weight of the vehicles.
    • Example 2: She supports her family financially.
    • Example 3: They support the idea of renewable energy.
    • Example 4: He supports his friends in times of need.
  71. Translate
    • Meaning: To express the sense of words or text in another language.
    • Example 1: She translated the document into French.
    • Example 2: They translated the book into several languages.
    • Example 3: He translated the instructions for the team.
    • Example 4: The app translates speech in real-time.
  72. Update
    • Meaning: To make something more modern or up to date.
    • Example 1: They updated the software to the latest version.
    • Example 2: She updated her profile on the website.
    • Example 3: He updated the team on the project's progress.
    • Example 4: The news updates regularly.
  73. Verify
    • Meaning: To make sure or demonstrate that something is true, accurate, or justified.
    • Example 1: They verified the information before publishing.
    • Example 2: She verified her identity at the counter.
    • Example 3: He verified the accuracy of the report.
    • Example 4: The system verifies the user's credentials.
  74. View
    • Meaning: To look at or inspect.
    • Example 1: They viewed the property before buying.
    • Example 2: She viewed the painting at the gallery.
    • Example 3: He viewed the video on his phone.
    • Example 4: The tourists viewed the city from the top of the tower.
  75. Achieve
    • Meaning: To successfully bring about or reach by effort, skill, or courage.
    • Example 1: She achieved her goal of becoming a doctor.
    • Example 2: They achieved a significant milestone.
    • Example 3: He achieved great success in his career.
    • Example 4: The team achieved their objectives.
  76. Benefit
    • Meaning: An advantage or profit gained from something.
    • Example 1: The company offers excellent benefits.
    • Example 2: She benefited from the training programme.
    • Example 3: They see the benefit of investing in technology.
    • Example 4: He benefits from regular exercise.
  77. Consider
    • Meaning: To think carefully about something, typically before making a decision.
    • Example 1: She considered the offer before accepting.
    • Example 2: They considered various options.
    • Example 3: He considered the consequences of his actions.
    • Example 4: The committee will consider the proposal.
  78. Contribute
    • Meaning: To give something, especially money, in order to help achieve or provide something.
    • Example 1: She contributed to the charity fund.
    • Example 2: They each contributed £10 to the gift.
    • Example 3: He contributed his ideas to the project.
    • Example 4: The company contributed to the community event.
  79. Convince
    • Meaning: To cause someone to believe firmly in the truth of something.
    • Example 1: She convinced him to take the job.
    • Example 2: They convinced the jury of their innocence.
    • Example 3: He convinced her to stay.
    • Example 4: The results convinced them to invest.
  80. Demonstrate
    • Meaning: To show or explain how something works or is done.
    • Example 1: She demonstrated how to use the software.
    • Example 2: The teacher demonstrated the experiment to the class.
    • Example 3: He demonstrated his skills at the workshop.
    • Example 4: They demonstrated the product at the trade show.
  81. Describe
    • Meaning: To give a detailed account in words of.
    • Example 1: She described the scene in vivid detail.
    • Example 2: They described their experiences during the trip.
    • Example 3: He described the symptoms to the doctor.
    • Example 4: The guide described the history of the monument.
  82. Develop
    • Meaning: To grow or cause to grow and become more mature or advanced.
    • Example 1: The company developed a new product.
    • Example 2: She developed her skills over the years.
    • Example 3: The project developed slowly.
    • Example 4: They developed a new strategy for marketing.
  83. Enhance
    • Meaning: To improve the quality, amount, or strength of something.
    • Example 1: The company enhanced the product's features.
    • Example 2: She enhanced her skills through training.
    • Example 3: The new technology enhanced the performance.
    • Example 4: They enhanced the design of the website.
  84. Evaluate
    • Meaning: To judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something.
    • Example 1: They evaluated the project's success.
    • Example 2: She evaluated the students' performance.
    • Example 3: He evaluated the cost of the materials.
    • Example 4: The team evaluated the risks involved.
  85. Examine
    • Meaning: To inspect or look at closely.
    • Example 1: They examined the evidence carefully.
    • Example 2: She examined the patient thoroughly.
    • Example 3: He examined the document for errors.
    • Example 4: The scientist examined the sample under a microscope.
  86. Expand
    • Meaning: To increase in size, number, or importance.
    • Example 1: The company plans to expand its operations.
    • Example 2: She expanded her knowledge through reading.
    • Example 3: The business expanded rapidly.
    • Example 4: They expanded the product line to include new items.
  87. Explain
    • Meaning: To make something clear or easy to understand.
    • Example 1: She explained the concept to the students.
    • Example 2: He explained how the machine works.
    • Example 3: They explained the reasons for the delay.
    • Example 4: The teacher explained the instructions clearly.
  88. Identify
    • Meaning: To recognise or establish what something is.
    • Example 1: She identified the problem quickly.
    • Example 2: They identified the suspect in the case.
    • Example 3: He identified the need for improvement.
    • Example 4: The doctor identified the symptoms of the disease.
  89. Improve
    • Meaning: To make something better.
    • Example 1: They improved the quality of the product.
    • Example 2: She improved her skills through practice.
    • Example 3: The company improved its customer service.
    • Example 4: He improved his performance in the exams.
  90. Include
    • Meaning: To contain as part of a whole.
    • Example 1: The price includes tax.
    • Example 2: She included a letter with the package.
    • Example 3: The tour includes a visit to the museum.
    • Example 4: They included all relevant information in the report.
  91. Indicate
    • Meaning: To show or point out.
    • Example 1: The signs indicate the direction to follow.
    • Example 2: She indicated her preference for the red dress.
    • Example 3: The data indicates a significant increase.
    • Example 4: He indicated his agreement with a nod.
  92. Involve
    • Meaning: To include someone or something in an activity or situation.
    • Example 1: The project involves several stages.
    • Example 2: She was involved in the planning process.
    • Example 3: They involved the community in the decision-making.
    • Example 4: He is involved in many extracurricular activities.
  93. Justify
    • Meaning: To show or prove to be right or reasonable.
    • Example 1: She justified her decision to the board.
    • Example 2: He justified his actions with valid reasons.
    • Example 3: The results justify the investment.
    • Example 4: They justified the need for additional funding.
  94. Maintain
    • Meaning: To keep something in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly.
    • Example 1: They maintain the equipment to ensure safety.
    • Example 2: She maintained her composure during the interview.
    • Example 3: The building is well-maintained.
    • Example 4: He maintains a healthy lifestyle.
  95. Observe
    • Meaning: To watch carefully the way something happens or the way someone does something, especially in order to learn more about it.
    • Example 1: They observed the behaviour of the animals.
    • Example 2: She observed the changes in the weather.
    • Example 3: The teacher observed the students during the exam.
    • Example 4: He observed the stars through the telescope.
  96. Organise
    • Meaning: To arrange systematically; to coordinate.
    • Example 1: They organised a conference for the industry.
    • Example 2: She organised her schedule to fit more tasks.
    • Example 3: The team organised a charity event.
    • Example 4: He organised the files in alphabetical order.
  97. Participate
    • Meaning: To take part in an activity or event.
    • Example 1: She participated in the marathon last year.
    • Example 2: They participated actively in the discussion.
    • Example 3: He participated in the cultural festival.
    • Example 4: The students participated in the science fair.
  98. Perceive
    • Meaning: To become aware or conscious of something; to understand or interpret something in a particular way.
    • Example 1: She perceived a change in his attitude.
    • Example 2: They perceived the issue differently.
    • Example 3: He perceived the task as a challenge.
    • Example 4: The artist perceived beauty in everyday objects.
  99. Persuade
    • Meaning: To convince someone to do or believe something through reasoning or argument.
    • Example 1: She persuaded him to join the club.
    • Example 2: They persuaded the committee to approve the proposal.
    • Example 3: He persuaded her to consider the offer.
    • Example 4: The advertisement persuaded many to buy the product.
  100. Prepare - Meaning: To make someone or something ready for a particular purpose. - Example 1: She prepared dinner for the guests. - Example 2: They prepared the room for the meeting. - Example 3: He prepared himself for the interview. - Example 4: The students prepared for the exam.
  101. Present - Meaning: To show or offer something for others to consider. - Example 1: They presented the report to the board. - Example 2: She presented her findings at the conference. - Example 3: He presented the award to the winner. - Example 4: The company presented its new product at the fair.
  102. Propose - Meaning: To put forward an idea or plan for consideration. - Example 1: She proposed a new strategy for the project. - Example 2: They proposed changes to the policy. - Example 3: He proposed a solution to the problem. - Example 4: The committee proposed a new rule.
  103. Pursue - Meaning: To follow or chase with determination. - Example 1: She pursued a career in medicine. - Example 2: They pursued the suspect through the streets. - Example 3: He pursued his dream of becoming an actor. - Example 4: The team pursued the championship title.
  104. Recommend - Meaning: To suggest that something is good or suitable for a particular purpose or job. - Example 1: She recommended the restaurant to her friends. - Example 2: They recommended a new approach to the problem. - Example 3: He recommended the book for the course. - Example 4: The doctor recommended more exercise.
  105. Recognise - Meaning: To identify someone or something seen before. - Example 1: She recognised him from the conference. - Example 2: They recognised the need for change. - Example 3: He recognised the song immediately. - Example 4: The company recognises outstanding performance.
  106. Reflect - Meaning: To think carefully and deeply about something. - Example 1: She reflected on her past decisions. - Example 2: They reflected on the team's performance. - Example 3: He reflected on the meaning of life. - Example 4: The mirror reflects light.
  107. Refuse - Meaning: To indicate or show that one is not willing to do something. - Example 1: She refused the job offer. - Example 2: They refused to comply with the regulations. - Example 3: He refused to answer the question. - Example 4: The company refused to comment on the issue.
  108. Relate - Meaning: To show or make a connection between two or more things. - Example 1: The story relates to the theme of friendship. - Example 2: She related her experiences to the group. - Example 3: He related the events of the day. - Example 4: The study relates diet to health.
  109. Respond - Meaning: To say or do something as a reaction to something that has been said or done. - Example 1: She responded to the question quickly. - Example 2: They responded with enthusiasm. - Example 3: He responded to the email immediately. - Example 4: The company responded to the crisis effectively.
  110. Review - Meaning: To examine or assess something formally with the possibility or intention of instituting change if necessary. - Example 1: They reviewed the contract before signing. - Example 2: She reviewed her notes before the exam. - Example 3: He reviewed the performance of the team. - Example 4: The committee reviewed the proposal.
  111. Select - Meaning: To carefully choose as being the best or most suitable. - Example 1: She selected a dress for the occasion. - Example 2: They selected the best candidate for the job. - Example 3: He selected a book from the shelf. - Example 4: The committee selected the winner.
  112. Specify - Meaning: To identify clearly and definitely. - Example 1: The instructions specify how to assemble the furniture. - Example 2: She specified the requirements for the job. - Example 3: He specified the date for the meeting. - Example 4: The contract specifies the terms of the agreement.
  113. Summarise - Meaning: To give a brief statement of the main points of something. - Example 1: She summarised the article in a few sentences. - Example 2: They summarised the findings of the report. - Example 3: He summarised the main points of the discussion. - Example 4: The teacher summarised the lesson at the end of the class.
  114. Support - Meaning: To bear all or part of the weight of; hold up. - Example 1: The bridge supports the weight of the vehicles. - Example 2: She supports her family financially. - Example 3: They support the idea of renewable energy. - Example 4: He supports his friends in times of need.
  115. Translate - Meaning: To express the sense of words or text in another language. - Example 1: She translated the document into French. - Example 2: They translated the book into several languages. - Example 3: He translated the instructions for the team. - Example 4: The app translates speech in real-time.
  116. Update - Meaning: To make something more modern or up to date. - Example 1: They updated the software to the latest version. - Example 2: She updated her profile on the website. - Example 3: He updated the team on the project's progress. - Example 4: The news updates regularly.
  117. Verify - Meaning: To make sure or demonstrate that something is true, accurate, or justified. - Example 1: They verified the information before publishing. - Example 2: She verified her identity at the counter. - Example 3: He verified the accuracy of the report. - Example 4: The system verifies the user's credentials.
  118. View - Meaning: To look at or inspect. - Example 1: They viewed the property before buying. - Example 2: She viewed the painting at the gallery. - Example 3: He viewed the video on his phone. - Example 4: The tourists viewed the city from the top of the tower.
  119. Achieve - Meaning: To successfully bring about or reach by effort, skill, or courage. - Example 1: She achieved her goal of becoming a doctor. - Example 2: They achieved a significant milestone. - Example 3: He achieved great success in his career. - Example 4: The team achieved their objectives.
  120. Benefit - Meaning: An advantage or profit gained from something. - Example 1: The company offers excellent benefits. - Example 2: She benefited from the training programme. - Example 3: They see the benefit of investing in technology. - Example 4: He benefits from regular exercise.

Example Conversation Using Key Vocabulary

A: Have you had the chance to analyse the data from our latest project?

B: Yes, I spent the entire morning going through it. I had to adapt some of the methods to make sure they were appropriate for our needs.

A: That sounds beneficial. I think we need to allocate more resources to this project if we want it to succeed.

B: I agree. We should also acknowledge the team's hard work. They’ve really gone above and beyond.

A: Absolutely. We should advocate for additional funding to ensure we have adequate support moving forward.

B: I'll acquire the necessary documentation to support our request. It's crucial we assume a proactive stance on this.

A: Good idea. Once we have everything in place, we can present our case to the board.

B: Perfect. Let’s ensure we have all the data analysed and ready by then.

Summary and Takeaways

Lesson Overview:

This lesson covered 120 of the most important words in the English language, providing detailed meanings and extensive examples to help learners master their usage.

Key Phrases Learnt:

Learners have become familiar with key phrases like "acknowledge," "acquire," "adapt," "adequate," "advocate," "allocate," "analyse," "appropriate," "assume," and "beneficial."

Practice Exercises:

To reinforce learning, practice creating sentences using each new word. Try to use these words in daily conversations to build confidence and fluency.

Tips for Remembering:

Use flashcards to remember the meanings and examples of each word. Engage in regular conversations and writing exercises to cement your understanding.

Further Lessons:

Explore additional lessons on our website to continue expanding your vocabulary and improving your English skills.


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Contact Information:

For any questions or additional support, contact us via our Facebook page. We're here to help you succeed in your English learning journey.


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