An educational infographic detailing the use of the verb "get" in various English collocations, aimed at ESL learners to enhance their fluency.

Introduction to Collocations with "Get"


The Versatility of "Get"

"Get" is one of the most versatile and frequently used verbs in the English language. Its utility stretches across various contexts, making it a staple in everyday conversation. For ESL learners, understanding collocations with "get" is pivotal in navigating the complexities of English fluency. This lesson will unveil the multiple dimensions of "get," enhancing your linguistic repertoire and confidence in using English in diverse scenarios.

Why Learn Collocations with "Get"?

Collocations with "get" are instrumental in sounding more natural and native-like in your English usage. They can express a wide range of actions, states, and reactions, from physical states to emotional responses. By mastering these collocations, you'll enrich your conversations, writing, and overall comprehension of English nuances.

Goals of This Lesson

Through this lesson, you'll learn to accurately and effectively use various "get" collocations. We aim to broaden your understanding of how "get" pairs with different words to convey specific meanings. By the end, you should be able to incorporate these phrases into your everyday English with ease.

Importance of "Get" in English Communication

Grasping the use of "get" is crucial for ESL learners due to its prevalence in both spoken and written English. It's a verb that can significantly change the meaning of a phrase depending on its collocation, making it essential for effective communication.

Navigating the Lesson

We'll explore a selection of "get" collocations, providing meanings and examples for each. This structured approach will aid in your comprehension and retention of how to use "get" in various contexts, propelling your English proficiency forward.

Collocations with "Get": Meanings and Examples


  1. To Get a Letter

    • Meaning: To receive a letter.
    • Example: I was so happy to get a letter from my pen pal in Italy.
  2. To Get Married/Divorced

    • Meaning: To legally begin or end a marriage.
    • Example: They decided to get married on a beach in Hawaii.
  3. To Get a Cold

    • Meaning: To become ill with a cold.
    • Example: I think I'm starting to get a cold; I've been sneezing all day.
  4. To Get Pregnant

    • Meaning: To conceive a child.
    • Example: They were overjoyed to find out they were going to get pregnant.
  5. To Get a Tan

    • Meaning: To become darker-skinned from sun exposure.
    • Example: She loves to get a tan during the summer holidays.
  6. To Get Ready/Started

    • Meaning: To prepare oneself for something or to begin something.
    • Example: It's time to get ready for the party tonight.
  7. To Get Permission

    • Meaning: To receive approval to do something.
    • Example: You need to get permission from your parents before going on the trip.
  8. To Get in Trouble

    • Meaning: To encounter problems or to be in a situation where you are reprimanded.
    • Example: If you don't do your homework, you're going to get in trouble.
  9. To Get Drunk

    • Meaning: To consume enough alcohol to impair one's faculties.
    • Example: He didn't mean to get drunk at the wedding.
  10. To Get 'It'

    • Meaning: To understand something.
    • Example: After the teacher explained it a second time, I finally got it.
  11. To Get Fired/The Sack

    • Meaning: To be dismissed from one's job.
    • Example: He got the sack for being late too many times.
  12. To Get a Joke

    • Meaning: To understand the humor in a joke.
    • Example: It took me a moment, but I finally got the joke.
  13. To Get Changed

    • Meaning: To change one's clothes.
    • Example: Let me get changed into something more comfortable.
  14. To Get an Impression

    • Meaning: To form an opinion or belief about something or someone.
    • Example: I got the impression that she was not happy with the decision.
  15. To Get Dark/Light

    • Meaning: For the day to become night or morning.
    • Example: We should head back home before it gets dark.
  16. To Get the Message

    • Meaning: To understand what someone is trying to convey.
    • Example: After ignoring his calls, I think he finally got the message.
  17. To Get Wet

    • Meaning: To become covered or soaked with water.
    • Example: I got wet walking home in the rain.
  18. To Get Home/To Work

    • Meaning: To arrive at home or the workplace.
    • Example: What time do you usually get home from work?
  19. To Get Lost

    • Meaning: To become disoriented or unable to find one's way.
    • Example: We got lost on our way to the museum.
  20. To Get Hot/Cold/Thirsty/Hungry/Angry/Upset/Annoyed

    • Meaning: To start feeling a certain way physically or emotionally.
    • Example: I always get hungry after a long walk.
  21. To Get Nowhere

    • Meaning: To make no progress.
    • Example: I feel like I'm getting nowhere with my job search.
  22. To Get Worried/Frightened

    • Meaning: To become anxious or scared.
    • Example: She gets worried when her children don't come home on time.
  23. To Get a Degree/Qualification

    • Meaning: To achieve an academic degree or certificate.
    • Example: He's studying hard to get a degree in engineering.

This list provides a snapshot of how versatile and essential the verb "get" is in everyday English usage. By understanding and practising these collocations, you'll enhance your fluency and ability to express yourself more naturally.


Summary and Takeaways


Engaging with "Get"

To cement your understanding of these collocations, try creating sentences of your own, or engage in conversations where you can use them. Regular practice is key to internalizing these phrases and using them fluently in your English conversations.

The Impact of Learning "Get" Collocations

This lesson has equipped you with a plethora of "get" collocations, crucial for elevating your English language skills. These phrases will help you communicate more effectively, allowing you to express a wide range of actions, emotions, and states with confidence.

Tips for Memorization

Visual aids, like mind-maps or flashcards, can be exceptionally helpful in memorizing these collocations. Consider incorporating these into your study routine, and don't hesitate to use sticky notes around your living space as reminders.

Real-Life Application

Apply what you've learned by incorporating these collocations into your daily English usage. Whether in writing or conversation, the more you use them, the more natural they will become.

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