llustration of a well-equipped first aid kit with labeled items like bandages, antiseptic wipes, and a CPR guide, educational for English learners.

Navigating Emergency Situations: A Language Guide to First Aid

  first-aid manual

  first-aid kit

  (adhesive) bandage/ Band-AidTM

  antiseptic cleansing wipe

  sterile (dressing) pad

  hydrogen peroxide

  antibiotic ointment


  adhesive tape

10   tweezers

11   antihistamine cream

12   elastic bandage/ AceTM bandage

13   aspirin

14   non-aspirin pain reliever

15   CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)

a   has no pulse

16   rescue breathing

b isn't breathing

17   the Heimlich maneuver

c   is choking

18   splint

d   broke a finger

19   tourniquet

e   is bleeding


Essential First Aid Vocabulary for English Learners

Welcome to our practical English lesson on first aid. This guide is designed to help English learners become familiar with standard first-aid terms and how to use them. Knowing these terms can be incredibly useful in emergencies or when caring for minor injuries. Let's explore the essential vocabulary associated with first aid.

First Aid Terms and Usage in Sentences

  1. First-Aid Manual: A book with instructions for emergency medical care.

    • "Refer to the first-aid manual for how to treat a burn."
  2. First-Aid Kit: A collection of supplies and equipment for giving first aid.

    • "Make sure the first-aid kit is stocked and easily accessible."
  3. (Adhesive) Bandage/Band-AidTM: A small piece of sticky material to cover cuts.

    • "Put a bandage on the scrape to keep it clean."
  4. Antiseptic Cleansing Wipe: A wipe used to clean wounds.

    • "Use an antiseptic cleansing wipe to clean the wound."
  5. Sterile (Dressing) Pad: A pad used to cover a large wound.

    • "Place a sterile pad over the wound and press gently."
  6. Hydrogen Peroxide: A solution used for cleaning wounds.

    • "Apply hydrogen peroxide to disinfect the cut."
  7. Antibiotic Ointment: A cream used to prevent infection in minor wounds.

    • "Apply antibiotic ointment on the cut once a day."
  8. Gauze: A thin fabric used to cover wounds.

    • "Wrap the gauze around the injured area."
  9. Adhesive Tape: Tape used to hold bandages in place.

    • "Secure the gauze with adhesive tape."
  10. Tweezers: A tool for picking up small objects, often used to remove splinters.

    • "Use the tweezers to remove the splinter carefully."
  11. Antihistamine Cream: A cream used to relieve itching and allergies.

    • "Apply antihistamine cream to the itchy area."
  12. Elastic Bandage/AceTM Bandage: A stretchable bandage for wrapping injuries.

    • "Wrap the ankle with an elastic bandage to reduce swelling."
  13. Aspirin: A medication used to relieve pain, fever, or inflammation.

    • "Take aspirin to help relieve the headache."
  14. Non-Aspirin Pain Reliever: A pain relief medication that does not contain aspirin.

    • "If you're allergic to aspirin, use a non-aspirin pain reliever."
  15. CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation): An emergency heart and lung function procedure.

    • "He performed CPR on the person who had no pulse."
  16. Rescue Breathing: Giving breaths to someone who isn't breathing.

    • "Rescue breathing is necessary when the person isn't breathing."
  17. The Heimlich Maneuver: A procedure used when someone is choking.

    • "Use the Heimlich manoeuvre if someone is choking and can't breathe."
  18. Splint: A device used to support and immobilize a broken bone.

    • "We used a splint to immobilize the finger she broke."
  19. Tourniquet: A device used to stop heavy bleeding by compressing a blood vessel.

    • "Apply a tourniquet if the leg is bleeding heavily."


By learning these first aid terms, you're better prepared to understand and communicate in medical emergencies or during health and safety discussions in English.

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