A visual guide showcasing expressions for agreeing and disagreeing in English, designed to help ESL learners enhance their conversational skills.

Introduction to Navigating Conversations: Expressions for Agreeing and Disagreeing in English


Welcome to our lesson on Expressions for Agreeing and Disagreeing. This session aims to equip beginners with essential phrases to express concurrence or dissent in English conversations effectively. By mastering these expressions, you will be able to participate in discussions more confidently and articulate your viewpoint more clearly.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn key expressions for agreeing and disagreeing in English.
  • Understand how to use these expressions in various conversational contexts.
  • Improve your ability to engage in discussions and express your opinions.

Useful Vocabulary for Expressions of Agreeing and Disagreeing


  1. I can't help thinking the same.
    • I can't help thinking the same when it comes to environmental protection.
  2. True enough.
    • True enough, regular exercise contributes significantly to overall health.
  3. That's right.
    • That's right; education is crucial for personal development.
  4. I couldn't agree more.
    • I couldn't agree more with your point on the importance of reading.
  5. That's just what I was thinking.
    • That's just what I was thinking when you mentioned technology's impact on society.
  6. That's my view exactly.
    • That's my view exactly; we need more renewable energy sources.


  1. Well, as a matter of fact,...
    • Well, as a matter of fact, not all fast food is unhealthy.
  2. I'm not sure about that.
    • I'm not sure about that; social media also has benefits.
  3. I see things rather differently myself.
    • I see things rather differently myself, especially regarding work-life balance.
  4. I don't entirely agree with you.
    • I don't entirely agree with you on the effects of caffeine.
  5. Well, my opinion is that...
    • Well, my opinion is that online education can be just as effective as traditional schooling.
  6. I must take issue with you on that.
    • I must take issue with you on that; not everyone can afford electric cars.


  1. Sorry to butt in,...
    • Example: Sorry to butt in, but do you have any thoughts on the new project deadline?
  2. Could I just say that...
    • Example: Could I just say that I've seen positive outcomes from a similar strategy in the past?
  3. Sorry to interrupt but...
    • Example: Sorry to interrupt but did we decide on a meeting time for next week?

Asking for More Time

  1. May I think about that for a moment?
    • Example: May I think about that for a moment? I want to make sure I give you the best answer.
  2. How can I put this?
    • Example: How can I put this? Give me a second to find the right words.

Saying in Another Way

  1. What I'm trying to say is...
    • Example: What I'm trying to say is, we might need more resources to complete this on time.
  2. In other words...
    • Example: In other words, it's not just about quantity, but the quality of the work matters too.

Asking for Repetition

  1. Would you mind repeating that?
    • Example: Would you mind repeating that? I want to make sure I understood your point correctly.
  2. Pardon?
    • Example: Pardon? Could you say that again, please?

Summing Up

  1. In short,...
    • Example: In short, our main goal is to improve customer satisfaction while reducing costs.
  2. To sum up,...
    • Example: To sum up, we're on track, but we need to focus on a few key areas for improvement.

These expressions are crucial for effective communication, allowing for clarification, ensuring understanding, and respectfully interjecting your thoughts in conversations.

Conclusion / Summary and Takeaways

Today, we explored essential expressions for agreeing and disagreeing in English conversations. These phrases are invaluable tools for expressing your opinions, engaging in debates, and navigating discussions with confidence. Remember, the key to effective communication is not just what you say but how you say it. Practising these expressions will help you articulate your thoughts clearly and respectfully.

To remember these expressions, try incorporating them into your daily conversations or practice with a study buddy. Additionally, role-playing different scenarios where you might agree or disagree can further reinforce your understanding and usage of these phrases.

Don't forget, communication is a two-way street. Listening actively and acknowledging others' opinions is just as important as expressing your own. By using these expressions thoughtfully, you'll enhance your English language skills and your ability to connect with others.

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