A lesson page titled 'Navigating Spoken English: Essential Phrases for Effective Communication', offering practical phrases for everyday English conversations.

Introduction to Spoken English Phrases


Welcome to "Navigating Spoken English: Essential Phrases for Effective Communication." This lesson is designed to enhance your conversational skills in British English by focusing on commonly used phrases in various social interactions. These phrases will aid in expressing agreement and disagreement, asking for clarification, and more.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn key phrases used in everyday English conversations.
  2. Understand the context in which these phrases are used.
  3. Improve your ability to communicate effectively in spoken English.

Spoken English Phrases: Descriptions and Examples



  • "Well, as a matter of fact,..."
  • "I'm not sure about that."
  • "I see things rather differently myself."
  • "I don't entirely agree with you."
  • "Well, my opinion is that..."
  • "I must take issue with you on that."
  • "Actually,..."


  • "I can't help thinking the same."
  • "True enough."
  • "That's right."
  • "I couldn't agree more."
  • "That's just what I was thinking."
  • "That's my view exactly."

Asking for Repetition

  • "Would you mind repeating that?"
  • "Pardon?"
  • "What was that?"
  • "I'm afraid I didn't catch that."
  • "Are you saying..."
  • "I didn't quite follow what you said about..."

Asking for More Time

  • "May I think about that for a moment?"
  • "How can I put this?"
  • "Let me get this right."


  • "In short,"
  • "To sum up,"
  • "So in conclusion,"
  • "To summarise,"


  • "Sorry to butt in."
  • "Could I just say that..."
  • "Sorry to interrupt but..."

Saying in Another Way

  • "What I'm trying to say is,"
  • "In other words,"
  • "Perhaps I should make that clear by saying,"
  • "To put it another way,"


Conclusion and Summary

"Navigating Spoken English: Essential Phrases for Effective Communication" has provided a thorough understanding of key phrases useful in various conversational contexts.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Contextual Use: These phrases are adaptable to a variety of conversation scenarios.
  2. Effective Communication: Using these phrases correctly can enhance the clarity and effectiveness of your communication.
  3. Memory Techniques: Associate these phrases with specific situations for better recall.
  4. Practical Application: Regular practice in conversations will solidify your grasp of these phrases.
  5. Join Our Learning Community: Visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/learningenglishfree.co.uk for more resources.

We encourage you to use these phrases in your daily conversations and join our community for further learning.

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