A colourful calendar showing various months and special dates marked, including birthdays and appointments.

Time Periods, Days, Months, and Celebrating Special Moments


Welcome to our lesson on understanding the calendar and marking special dates! Today, you'll learn about various time periods, days of the week, months of the year, and how to recognize and commemorate special events. This knowledge is fundamental for planning, scheduling, and celebrating important moments in life. We'll explore each category with simple definitions and examples.

Keywords and Phrases: Calendar, Time Periods, Days of the Week, Months of the Year, Special Dates, Events, Planning, Scheduling, Celebrating.

Time Periods:


  1. Year - A period of 365 days (or 366 in a leap year) marking the time it takes the Earth to orbit the sun. Sentence: "This year, I plan to start a new hobby."
  2. Month - One of the twelve divisions of a year, each with 28 to 31 days. Sentence: "My birthday is in the month of April."
  3. Week - A period of seven days. Sentence: "We have a family gathering next week."
  4. Day - A 24-hour period. Sentence: "I have an appointment during the day tomorrow."
  5. Weekend - Typically, Saturday and Sunday are a time of rest for most people. Sentence: "Let's go hiking this weekend."

Days of the Week:


  1. Sunday - The first day of the week. Sentence: "We usually have a big family lunch on Sunday."
  2. Monday - The second day of the week, often the start of the workweek. Sentence: "I have a meeting every Monday morning."
  3. Tuesday - The third day of the week. Sentence: "Tuesdays are when I attend my yoga class."
  4. Wednesday - The middle of the workweek. Sentence: "We have spaghetti for dinner every Wednesday."
  5. Thursday - The fifth day of the week. Sentence: "I volunteer at the local shelter on Thursdays."
  6. Friday - The sixth day of the week, often signalling the start of the weekend. Sentence: "Friday nights are for movie watching."
  7. Saturday - A weekend day, often used for leisure activities. Sentence: "Saturday is my favourite day to sleep in."

Months of the Year:


  1. January - The first month of the year. Sentence: "New Year's Day is celebrated in January."
  2. February - The second month. Sentence: "February is the shortest month of the year."
  3. March - The third month. Sentence: "Many people enjoy the spring season that starts in March."
  4. April - The fourth month. Sentence: "April showers bring May flowers."
  5. May - The fifth month. Sentence: "We celebrate Mother's Day in May."
  6. June - The sixth month. Sentence: "Schools usually have their summer break starting in June."
  7. July - The seventh month. Sentence: "Many countries celebrate Independence Day in July."
  8. August - The eighth month. Sentence: "August is often the hottest month of the summer."
  9. September - The ninth month. Sentence: "Children go back to school in September."
  10. October - The tenth month. Sentence: "Halloween is celebrated at the end of October."
  11. November - The eleventh month. Sentence: "Thanksgiving is a major holiday in November."
  12. December - The twelfth month. Sentence: "December is known for Christmas celebrations."

Special Dates and Events:


  1. January 3, 2012 (January third, two thousand twelve) - A specific date. Sentence: "I started my new job on January 3, 2012."
  2. Birthday - The anniversary of the day on which a person was born. Sentence: "We're throwing a party for my sister's birthday."
  3. Anniversary - The date on which an event took place in a previous year. Sentence: "Our wedding anniversary is a special day for us."
  4. Appointment - A prearranged meeting. Sentence: "I have a dentist appointment next Thursday."

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