Expanding Vocabulary with English Antonyms


The Significance of Learning Opposites

Welcome to our focused lesson on opposites in English. This resource is designed to provide you with a comprehensive list of antonyms, enhancing your vocabulary for more effective communication. If you have any questions or need additional information, please visit our Facebook page at Learning English Free.


English  List AntonymsComplete list of English opposites, perfect for ESL learners and beginners looking to broaden their vocabulary.



  1. Above - Below
  2. Absent - Present
  3. Accident - Intent
  4. Accomplishment - Failure
  5. Achieve - Fail
  6. Add - Subtract
  7. Adjacent - Distant
  8. Admire - Detest
  9. Admit - Reject
  10. Adore - Hate
  11. Advance - Retreat
  12. Affirm - Deny
  13. Afraid - Confident
  14. After - Before
  15. Aid - Hinder
  16. Alarm - Comfort
  17. Alert - Asleep
  18. Alive - Dead
  19. Allow - Forbid
  20. Alone - Together
  21. Amateur - Professional
  22. Amuse - Bore
  23. Ancient - Modern
  24. Annoy - Soothe
  25. Answer - Question
  26. Apparent - Obscure
  27. Argue - Agree
  28. Arrive - Depart
  29. Arrogant - Humble
  30. Ascend - Descend
  31. Attack - Defend
  32. Attract - Repel
  33. Awake - Asleep
  34. Awkward - Graceful
  35. Back - Front
  36. Bad - Good
  37. Bare - Covered
  38. Beautiful - Ugly
  39. Before - After
  40. Bent - Straight
  41. Better - Worse
  42. Big - Little
  43. Birth - Death
  44. Bittersweet
  45. Black - White
  46. Blunt - Sharp
  47. Body - Soul
  48. Bold - Timid
  49. Bottom - Top
  50. Brave - Cowardly
  51. Break - Repair
  52. Brief - Long
  53. Bright - Dull
  54. Bring - Remove
  55. Boy - Girl
  56. Busy - Idle
  57. Buy - Sell
  58. Capture - Release
  59. Cause - Effect
  60. Cautious - Careless
  61. Centre - Edge
  62. Change - Remain
  63. Cheap - Expensive
  64. Child - Adult
  65. Chilly - Warm
  66. Clean - Dirty
  67. Close - Open
  68. Cold - Hot
  69. Command - Obey
  70. Complex - Simple
  71. Compliment - Insult
  72. Constant - Variable
  73. Continue - Interrupt
  74. Cool - Warm
  75. Copy - Original
  76. Countrymen - Foreigner
  77. Crazy - Sane
  78. Crooked - Straight
  79. Cruel - Kind
  80. Cry - Laugh
  81. Curse - Bless
  82. Damage - Improve
  83. Dark - Light
  84. Dawn - Sunset
  85. Day - Night
  86. Deep - Shallow
  87. Destroy - Create
  88. Difficult - Easy
  89. Dim - Bright
  90. Divide - Unite
  91. Doubt - Trust
  92. Drunk - Sober
  93. Dull - Sharp
  94. Dumb - Smart
  95. Earth - Sky
  96. East - West
  97. Easy - Hard
  98. Elementary - Advanced
  99. End - Begin
  100. Even - Odd
  101. Evening - Morning
  102. Evil - Good
  103. Exceptional - Common
  104. Expand - Shrink
  105. Fail - Pass
  106. Failure - Success
  107. False - True
  108. Famous - Unknown
  109. Fancy - Plain
  110. Fast - Slow
  111. Fat - Thin
  112. Fiction - Fact
  113. Find - Lose
  114. Finish - Start
  115. Firm - Flabby
  116. Fix - Break
  117. Follow - Lead
  118. Forgive - Blame
  119. Forward - Backward
  120. Free - Restricted
  121. Fresh - Stale
  122. Friend - Enemy
  123. Funny - Sad
  124. Full - Empty

Enhancing Language Skills Through Antonyms


This extensive list of opposites in English will serve as a valuable resource for expanding your vocabulary. Understanding and using these antonyms will enhance your ability to express contrasting ideas and improve your overall language skills. For any inquiries or further learning, please visit our Facebook page at Learning English Free.



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