A comprehensive guide to phrasal verbs beginning with 'U', featuring definitions and example sentences, aimed at ESL students seeking to improve their English vocabulary and communication skills.

Unveiling English: Unraveling Phrasal Verbs Starting with "U"


Phrasal verbs are pivotal in English communication, offering expressive and nuanced ways to convey thoughts and actions. For ESL learners, mastering phrasal verbs that start with "U" is an essential step towards fluency. This lesson aims to demystify these phrasal verbs, providing learners with a deeper understanding and practical examples of their usage. By the end of this guide, you will be equipped to confidently integrate these expressions into your spoken and written English, enriching your conversations and enhancing your comprehension.

  1. Use up: To consume all of something, leaving nothing left.

    • Example: We used up all the flour baking cookies.
  2. Urge on: To encourage or motivate someone to continue.

    • Example: The crowd urged the marathon runner on to the finish line.
  3. Usher in: To mark the beginning of something new.

    • Example: The new law ushers in an era of reform.
  4. Up to: Depending on someone or something; to be the responsibility of.

    • Example: It's up to you to decide where we go for dinner.
  5. Up against: To face a difficult situation or opposition.

    • Example: We're up against tight deadlines for this project.
  6. Up for: To be considered for something; to feel enthusiastic about.

    • Example: Are you up for a movie tonight?
  7. Upset: To disturb the order of; to overthrow.

    • Example: The underdog team upset the champions in a surprising victory.

(Note: "Upset" is primarily used as a regular verb or adjective but included here for its phrasal verb-like construction in certain contexts.)

  1. Undergo: To experience or be subjected to something.
    • Example: The patient is undergoing surgery.

(Note: "Undergo" functions as a regular verb with a prepositional quality, illustrating the fluid nature of verb-preposition combinations in English.)

  1. Undertake: To commit oneself to and begin (an enterprise or responsibility).
    • Example: She undertook the task of organizing the charity event.

(Note: "Undertake" is similar to "undergo" in its usage and inclusion.)

  1. Unwind: To relax or reduce in tension.

    • Example: I like to unwind with a good book in the evenings.
  2. Unravel: To solve a mystery or problem; to become clear or understood.

    • Example: Detectives worked to unravel the case.
  3. Unearth: To discover something hidden, lost, or kept secret by investigation or searching.

    • Example: Archaeologists unearthed ancient ruins.
  4. Undercut: To offer goods or services at a lower price than (a competitor).

    • Example: Big supermarkets can undercut local stores on price.
  5. Underestimate: To estimate (something) to be smaller or less important than it actually is.

    • Example: Never underestimate the importance of a good education.
  6. Underline: To emphasize.

    • Example: The report underlines the need for immediate action.

Given the challenge of finding a large number of phrasal verbs beginning specifically with "U", this list also includes verbs that, while not phrasal in the traditional sense, are frequently encountered by ESL learners and carry prepositional or adverbial nuances that enrich their meaning and usage.

By familiarizing yourself with these verbs and their applications, you'll not only broaden your English vocabulary but also gain the ability to communicate more complex ideas and emotions. Consistent practice in using these verbs in your daily conversations and writings will help cement your understanding and ensure these expressions become an integral part of your English repertoire.

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