Practical Usage of 'Take' and 'Get' in English


Hello! Welcome to our English lesson focused on the verbs "take" and "get." Understanding how to use these common verbs correctly is crucial for everyday communication in English. This lesson is tailored for learners at a basic level, providing clear examples and explanations. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please visit our Facebook page at Learning English Free. Let's enhance your understanding and usage of "take" and "get."

English lesson on verbs 'take' and 'get', offering a comprehensive list of uses and contexts, ideal for beginners in language learning.


Exploring 'Take' and 'Get' in Everyday English


In this lesson, we'll explore the verbs 'take' and 'get', two of the most frequently used verbs in the English language. You'll learn about their different meanings and how to use them in various contexts. This guide will help you to communicate more effectively in English. For more information or assistance, visit us at Learning English Free.

Usage and Examples of 'Take' and 'Get'


  1. Take an exam

    • Meaning: To participate in an examination.
    • Example: "Next week, I have to take an exam in mathematics."
  2. Get a letter (receive)

    • Meaning: To receive a letter.
    • Example: "Yesterday, I got a letter from an old friend."
  3. Take an English course

    • Meaning: To enrol in and attend an English course.
    • Example: "She decided to take an English course to improve her language skills."
  4. Get the ticket (buy)

    • Meaning: To purchase a ticket.
    • Example: "He got the tickets for the concert online."
  5. Take some Japanese lessons

    • Meaning: To participate in Japanese language lessons.
    • Example: "He's planning to take some Japanese lessons before his trip to Tokyo."
  6. It's getting dark (become)

    • Meaning: It is becoming dark.
    • Example: "We should head home as it's getting dark."
  7. Take the bus/train/plane/taxi

    • Meaning: To travel by bus, train, plane, or taxi.
    • Example: "Tomorrow, I will take the train to the city."
  8. Get a bus/train/plane/taxi

    • Meaning: To catch or use a bus, train, plane, or taxi for travel.
    • Example: "She got a taxi to the airport to avoid missing her flight."
  9. Take a photo

    • Meaning: To capture a photograph.
    • Example: "During the trip, he took lots of photos."
  10. Get home (arrive)

    • Meaning: To arrive at home.
    • Example: "I usually get home from work around 6 PM."
  11. Take a break

    • Meaning: To pause work or an activity for relaxation.
    • Example: "Let's take a break and grab some coffee."
  12. Take a decision

    • Meaning: To make a decision.
    • Example: "After much thought, they took a decision to move abroad."
  13. Get married

    • Meaning: To enter into marriage.
    • Example: "Next month, my sister is going to get married."
  14. Take a shower (also 'have')

    • Meaning: To clean oneself in a shower.
    • Example: "He takes a shower every morning before breakfast."
  15. Get divorced

    • Meaning: To legally end a marriage.
    • Example: "After ten years of marriage, they decided to get divorced."
  16. Take a walk

    • Meaning: To go for a walk.
    • Example: "In the evening, I like to take a walk in the park."
  17. Get dressed/undressed

    • Meaning: To put on or remove clothes.
    • Example: "In the morning, I get dressed before having breakfast."
  18. Take a pill (aspirin)

    • Meaning: To consume a pill or medicine.
    • Example: "She took an aspirin for her headache."
  19. Get changed (change clothes)

    • Meaning: To change one's clothes.
    • Example: "After work, he got changed into more comfortable clothes."
  20. Take your time. Take a seat (sit down)

    • Meaning: To use time without hurry; to sit down.
    • Example: "Take your time reading the report. Please, take a seat while you wait."
  21. Get lost (tell someone rudely to go away)

    • Meaning: A rude way to tell someone to leave.
    • Example: "He was so annoyed that he told the intruder to get lost."
  22. Take time off (away from work for holidays or to do something)

    • Meaning: To have a break or vacation from work.
    • Example: "Next month, I'm going to take time off to travel."
  23. Get a job

    • Meaning: To obtain employment.
    • Example: "After graduating, she got a job at a marketing firm."
  24. Get up

    • Meaning: To rise from bed.
    • Example: "Every morning, I get up at 7 AM."
  25. Get time off work.

    • Meaning: To be granted a break or leave from work.
    • Example: "He managed to get time off work for his brother's wedding."

Enhancing Your English with 'Take' and 'Get'


You've now explored various uses of the verbs 'take' and 'get', crucial for everyday English conversation. Practice these phrases in different contexts to improve your fluency and understanding. For any inquiries, visit our Facebook page at Learning English Free.



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